One of the biggest mistakes in our communication is thinking that since it’s obvious to me, it should be obvious to everyone.
And just because I am thinking about XYZ right now even though I was talking about something else 20 seconds ago, they should also be thinking about XYZ right now.
We need to continually remind ourselves that everyone filters what they hear based on their own experiences, and the mindset that has created these filters.
Everyone’s mind follows different trains of thought as they make different connections and assumptions.
So when you communicate, the only way you can determine how effectively you are communicating is by observing the response you get.
If you get a response that indicates that they did not understand, then your communication was faulty. A good communicator takes responsibility for their communication. You, therefore, need to find a different way to get the message across.
Ask yourself… what is the concept/idea/fact they are missing that would unlock this communication for them?
Maybe you need to explain the obvious 🙂
My best wishes, Paul