3 books, packed with invaluable ideas, tips and insights to build your success
L&D professionals around the world have benefited from Paul’s leading-edge thinking in the field. Now you can benefit from it too – in his three published books.
Informal Learning at Work: How to Boost Performance in Tough Times
Understand the mindset that’s needed for informal learning, and how your organisation can harness its power to enhance performance and success in the workplace. This comprehensive book brings learning to life with practical advice from workplace learning experts plus examples and case studies from around the world.
Capability at Work: How to Solve the Performance Puzzle
Paul’s second book has been widely acclaimed as a ‘must’ for anyone in HR or L&D. Read it to discover how to act as a performance consultant to diagnose the root causes of poor performance. When people ask for training, it is often not the best solution. This book shows you how to respond to that training request.
Learning Transfer at Work: How to Ensure Training >> Performance
‘I’m not writing another book!’ But the lure of the vitally important topic of ‘learning transfer’ was too much, and Paul went back to his keyboard. From his work with organisations, he knew that people need to do far more to ensure that money spent on training is translated into useful sustained behaviour in the workplace.