An organisation pays people to get things done. We sometimes forget that.
Hopefully, your organisation is focussed on doing the right things via its vision and mission, and has figured out a strategy that will work to achieve those.
To execute the strategy, people need to do the right things – and do them right.
As a manager, one of your jobs is to remove the friction that slows or stops getting those things done right. Friction is always there but you can reduce it.
Look at the list of things your team is tasked with doing. Where is the friction?
This is especially true now that COVID has changed so much and probably created even more friction. You and your team must become friction hunters.
What friction factor will you hunt down this week, before Christmas?
What friction factors will you put on your ‘destroy’ list for the New Year?
By the way, resolving friction involves change. Here are some tips you will need for change.
My best wishes, Paul