February 7, 2022

Are you a leader?

penguin leading a huddle of penguins

You are a leader if you have followers, even if only briefly and occasionally.

So why would someone follow you?


  • They think you know where you are going
  • They think that where you are going is better than where they are
  • They think you know how to get there
  • They trust you not to lead them astray
  • They can see authenticity, that you ‘walk your talk’
  • They fear the consequences of not following

Think about people around you who you would like to do something specific such as a project task, stay late to do a report, buy something from you, stop teasing their little brother or eat their vegetables.

How can you lead them considering the bullet points above?

Note that an effective leader has followers who do so willingly and even with enthusiasm. Your leadership will founder if it is based on fear and compliance.

Notice also that you being a leader is entirely dependent on how people react to you or think about you. It is their perception that makes you a leader.

We can do things that we think will make us a leader, but it is only leadership if people see it as leadership and follow.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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