December 13, 2021

Any strong emotion makes us stupid

Man biting into a lemon pulling a face

Think of your own experience, and things you have done that you later wondered why you did something so stupid. Chances are, the ‘stupidity’ was the result of a strong emotional loading. You got ‘carried away’. Fear, love, anger, sadness, excitement, despair, lust, envy are all emotions that can get you carried away if they are strong enough.

There is nothing wrong with strong emotions. They are the juice of life. They are the contrast that makes life worth living.

The skill is in first being aware of what you are feeling. And second, managing your feelings so they suit the situation; so they are useful and not debilitating.

Remember… You have the emotion. Don’t let the emotion have you.

Tips on self-awareness

Tips on self-management

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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