In this busy world we get stressed and then say we don’t have the time to relax and destress.
Here is a very quick way to relax.
It only takes a few moments to change your state using your peripheral vision. Let me explain.
Peripheral vision is that area of vision that is outside the centre of the visual field. It is very good at detecting motion. We have all had the experience of catching something out of the corner of our eye.
Interestingly, when we set our attention on our peripheral vision, our state changes and we tend to get relaxed and quiet in our mind. We can make use of this.
Look ahead, and then broaden out your field of attention until you are only paying attention to what you can see out of the corners of your eyes, while still looking straight ahead. It helps if you can position yourself so something is moving at the edge of your vision, like trees.
Now take this further by imagining extending your awareness even further out, beyond the edges of your vision and all the way behind you. Notice what happens.
When you come back, notice how calm you feel and how your breathing has slowed down.
The good news is that if you practise this shift from foveal to peripheral vision and beyond a few times, you will be able to make the switch in a few seconds, giving you a tool to manage stress and change into a relaxed state.
Try it now, and see what happens for you 🙂
My best wishes, Paul