May 9, 2022

A different way to decide by tossing a coin

cartoon drawing of a hand flipping a coin

A different way to decide by tossing a coin

Ever been stuck and unable to decide between two courses of action?

Logic would have us believe that there is a logical decision-making process that will enable us to make the decision. That may be so, but if you knew what it was, you wouldn’t be stuck!

What if we eschew logic and trust our gut, our intuition?

Our intuition or ‘inner knowing’ has access to far more information than we could ever assemble consciously, and it can join the dots in ways our conscious mind can’t.

So, toss a coin.

While it is in the air, you may get a thought as to which way up you want the coin to land. Now you know which answer your intuition wants.

Or as you catch the coin and see which side is displayed, do you feel a sense of dread thinking “Oh no!”, or breathe a sigh of relief? Either way, you now know what your intuition wants.

We make most decisions intuitively anyway, and later we assemble evidence if we need to convince ourselves or others it was the right decision.

Use this coin trick to get easier access to your intuition.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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