It is clear there will be a fundamental schism: before COVID-19, during COVID-19, and after COVID-19 when a new normal emerges.
For some right now, survival is the only item on their to-do list. My heart goes out to you.
For others, it is trying to peer through the fog of uncertainty for what comes next. How will the dramatically changed economic and social order affect me and my family?
One day, our as yet unborn descendants will ask us, “What did you do during COVID-19?”
What do you want to be able to tell them?
McKinsey developed a model for business, but it is equally useful for you and me.
Determine what you need to do now to survive, and resolve to do it.
Realise that this is not a short-term glitch. We will all need to dig deep over the longer term.
Look ahead to what you will need to do to get things restarted, or to slow down if you were one of those who had to go into overdrive.
Imagine as best you can what a post COVID-19 future will look like and how you can thrive in that future.
Start shaping and reforming yourself. What can you learn now, to insulate yourself from future shock?
So, back to our question: “What do I do?”
Change it to “What do I need to do now?” then do it now.
Tomorrow is another and different day.
My best wishes, Paul