The Learning at Work Trilogy
Special offer for you – 3 books for the price of 2
Buy your copies of
Informal Learning at Work,
Capability at Work and
Learning Transfer at Work
now at this special 3 for 2 offer.
The normal price per book is £14.97.
Get the trilogy for £29.94 with free shipping in the UK, £12.00 airmail to Europe and £27.00 airmail to the rest of the world.
It is clear that the role of Learning and Development is changing. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for L&D practitioners.
These books will help you with the challenge, and the opportunity is yours for the taking!
My very best wishes,

Paul Matthews
Founder and MD
People Alchemy Ltd
“This is the new role for L&D – a paradigm shift for traditionalists.“
Carol Bolton (OD Manager, University of Liverpool)
“Anyone who is looking to the future of learning must read this book.“
Nathan Baker (Director of Engineering Knowledge)
“The book is really good Paul and I’m glad you didn’t resist your writing demon!!“
Paul Armstrong (Head of L&D)
Buy the Learning at Work Trilogy here!

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©Paul Matthews