Well, that was an experience!
Last week I had the pleasure to be a speaker at EdCrunch Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan this week.
The conference was mostly for educationalists working with children in their early years through to university students but alongside the education tracks there was also a corporate learning track.
It was fascinating sharing ideas and listening to the speakers from all over the world. There is so much going on in the education sector that would be useful in corporate learning, and, I suspect, vice versa.
For example, I had a long chat with a head teacher from Mexico who is combining avatars in a virtual world with project based learning. It is proving to be a very powerful combination for the 8 – 14 years olds at his school.
And I finally met Elliott Masie in person as he was another of the international speakers at the conference.
He and I were two of the people interviewed for the very first Learning Now TV broadcast around 9 years ago, so it was great to actually meet. I sat in on his sessions where he gave his take on the future of L&D as well as the impact of AI and what we should, and should not be doing about it.
The hospitality of the local organisers was amazing and I very much hope I am invited back again for next year.
Thank you to all you came along to my sessions and who took the time to chat – please connect on LinkedIn!
My best wishes, Paul