A survey in the US in 2016 asked if people would rather ‘achieve great things or be happy’. 81% said they would rather be happy, 13% opted for doing great things and 6% seemed daunted by the question and weren’t sure.
At the start of a New Year, how would you answer that question?
Perhaps more importantly…
What do you imagine when you think of being happy?
What does happy mean to you?
Is it a state of mind? Is it a way of being? Is it an emotion? Is it a permanent happy grin? Is it absence of the opposite, whatever that is to you?
What causes happiness?
Is it people in your life? Is it what you possess? Is it what you have done? Is it what you are doing? Is it what you are planning to do? All of the above? Something else?
Indeed, is there even a direct cause? That is, can you seek happiness directly, or is it a by-product of life when lived a certain way?
We say we want to be happy.
Fine – you have a goal, happiness. What is it?!
Oh… and also, how will you know you have achieved that goal?
Here is a little task for you… Ask your friends. What are their answers to these questions?
My best wishes, Paul