It’s the 20th anniversary of the Weightman Associates Ltd Annual Employment Law Conference on 21st November and I am back to deliver a session: ‘Recognising and Managing the L&D “elephants” – Addressing the three elephants in the room to ensure your L&D initiatives deliver the required results back at work’.
Most HR/L&D people tend to focus on events and the learning that comes out of those events, treating learning as their primary outcome. It is more useful to think about programmes, which may include learning events, and focus on the performance changes that arise from those programmes. It is performance that you want isn’t it?
Paul’s session will look at
- A performance diagnostics model to ensure learning relevance
- Some basics of behavioural engineering that work
- The 12 levers to pull to make learning transfer effective
- The three elephants (and the fourth sneaky one) that HR/L&D usually ignore